Sunday, September 23, 2012

Crime and Punishment

Still most crimes occur now like in the middle ages. But I think punishments in the middle ages were so brutal and violent because they had no ideas of human rights, and belief in god and they believed tat God will punish them. There were many violent peoples around them. They wanted to keep control by scaring people. And people feel guilty when they crime. Also, they makes the punishment harsh to scare the people so they won't do bad things.Comparing with middle ages and modern days punishment, the middle ages were more brutal, up to god, people wasn't educated, and bronk. In modern days, people consider human rights, educated to commit crime, go to jail, less violent, and more technology. But somehow there were same things:Death penalty,  torture, court, and still violent though.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Medieval Medicine

Medicine in the middle ages weren't very scientific and many patients suffered horribly as a result. No one knew what germs there were, or what caused diseases and there was no knowledge of antiseptics and anaesthetics. The medicine went backwards in the Dark Ages because of the chaos, and didn't know a lot about this period (Dark Ages) and weren't wealthy enough. The patients suffer horribly in the Middle Ages because medicine were not that good and they didn't know why diseases occurred. The Christianity teach about illness saying that it is punishment from God for sinful behavior. If you had too much blood, doctors believed that you would be hot, feverish, and bad tempered. They cure you by using leeches for bleeding you. Black bile made you sluggish, slow and depressed. They would give you purgative. If you compare modern day cure and medieval times cure, you can clearly see what are the differences. It was more disgusting and the cure could murder people. And some doctors are liars and they could murder patients without feeling guilty because, they were just curing the patient! So you shouldn't be sick during the Medieval Times!!

Monday, September 17, 2012


One type of crusade that I am going to explain first is the people's crusade. The year of the crusade is 1096, the leader of this crusade was a French monk called Peter the Hermit. A few thousand peasnats, including a few knights and women and children took part. What happened there was theat it was more rabble than an army and had few proper weapons and nowhere near enogh supplies. After a long and hazardous journey, the people were slaughtered or sold into slavery. The result of this crusade is that Muslims won and the Holy LAnd remained in the hands of the Turks.

The date of the first crusade was in 1097. The leader of this crusade was Robert of Normandy, son of William the Conqueror. About 3000 noblemen and knights from Europe who were very well trained and armed took part of the crusade. The Christian knights managed to capture the cities of Nicea in 1097 and Antioch in 1098. The following year they reached the huge defensive city walls of Jerusalem. It was a Christian's victory-the crusader states of Antioch, Edessa, Jerusalem and Tripoli ruled over the Holy Land for next 60 years.

The second crusade took place in 1147, with a leader named Emperor the Conrad of Germany and King Louis VII of France. Over 50000 German and French knights took part in this crusade. The Franks were heavily defeated at Damascus. And the Muslims continued to grow in strength and confidence, and Jerusalem was under control of Muslims.

The third crusade happened in 1189, with a leader named Richard I and the Philip of France and Emperor Frederick of Germany. Richard won some famous victories and gained access to the Holy Land for Christians. Saladin made sure that Jerusalem had remained under Muslim's control.

In 1198, the fourth crusade occured. The leader of this crusade was Pope Innocent III. The crusade never even reached the Holy Land. Many of the crusaders were more interested in making themselves rich than fighting for Christ. The result was disaster for christians. By fighting each other, they had weakened their forces and allowed the Saraens to expand their control. Never again would a Christian army set out to capture Jerusalem.

The childrens crusade took place in 1212, and a leader was Stephan, a 12 year old French Shepherd boy. Towards the end of June. the army of children set off on the road to the port of Marseilles. The summer was unusually hot and the children relied on charity for survival. The boarded ships that they were promised were sailing for the Holy Land. All of those on board were sold to the Saracens as slaves and never heard from again. And the result was a 'tragedy'.


Monday, September 10, 2012


Religion was very important during medieval times. People should become Catholic and they had no say in what religion you believed in. The church hierachy is very strict : Pope at the top, then Cardinal, following by Archbishop, then Bishop and Parish Priests. The people were forced to believe that if they don't taxes they were sent to hell after dying. But if they paid, they will go to purgatory and stay there until freed of sins, with protection against hell. The pope had a power to start war in any times, owned one third of the land in Europe, really wealthy, and sometimes stand against the king.

Dear King Williams

To my dear King William,

I am writing to tell you that the enemy has launched a large attack using siege tower to climb up the wall and violently murder us. Also, they are going to use battering ram to throw stinky people with diseases to our castle to infect all of us!! And throw burning fire stones to burn our precious castle.

I have decided that our first move should be firstly, I will pour boiling hot oil and throw fire at them so they can be burnt easily :). And then, I will burn the ladders also so they won't be abe to climb up the castle wall!!

After that it will be necessary to use murder holes to put hot sand, water, and lime to block them from attacking us. Then, I will stand on curtain walls to throw the stones at them and squash it on their face. I'll just use all of my weapons including sword, oil, arrows to defend them from killing us!!!

I believe that we will win if the plan works out well as I wish. Becuase I think I have made not-so-bad plan for defending^^ But we might also lose if the plans doesn't work out as expected!!


Friday, September 7, 2012


MinJu 8C

To become a knight, he must bath to wash away all his sins, then he get dressed. The white tunic shows that he is pure, the redrobe means that he is ready to be wounded in god's service. And then he goes without food for 24 hours. He spends a whole night praying in church, his armour lying beside him. At dawn, he goes to a service, and he admits all his sins, then he gets his armour on. His sword is blessed by a priest. He promises to be loyal and brave, and to protect the poor and weak. The king strikes the knight with flat of his sword. The word chivalry comes from the french word chivalerie, meaning horsemanship. I don't think chivalry still exist in our lives. Knights were land owners, and in return for the land, the knight had both to spend 40 days serving in the army and to find more men to fight for the king. They held fake battles when there were no wars.These were like real battles but they didn't use dangerous weapon becuase they are not going to kill each other! A sport called jousting developed. In joust, they rode straight to each other, and held a lance were used to try to knock the other knights off the horse.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Town Life

Town Life
MinJu 8C

  I think towns in middle ages smell bad, bad sights, and not that loud noises probably. I think the towns smell bad becuase people just threw leftover foods and rotten food outside like on the street, so it will smell really bad. The town will be also hard to see because air and land is polluted so the air will be kind of greyish (?). There won't be that loud noises because there weren't motorbike, or cars that time, so there might be only sound of people talking to each other probably. I guess there were farmers or just workers in towns.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Attacking a castle

Attacking a castle

MinJu 8C

If I was a soldier, attacking a castle, I would go on the siege tower to climb over the wall, also use battering ram to break the door, or use a catapult to fire stones at the castle wall. Also, I can put fired rocks at a castle by using mangonel. In addition, if there are people with diseases I could just throw the body into the castle. I will also use ladder to go up the walls if there is no siege tower. I could also use weapons such as arrows to shoot at the soldiers in the castle.

How did castle change over time?

How did castles change over time?

MinJu 8C                            


The castle that was built the first time was a castle with motte and bailey, which was used during the year 1066 to 1087. A wooden tower stood on a manmade hill and at the bottom of the hill was the bailey. There are some advantages and disadvantages. The advantages were that it was quick and easy to build, and it was high up so you can fire down at the attackers. The disadvantages are that it is made of wood so it could burn easily and rot easily, and the motte could collapse under the weight of the castle.

The second type of castle that I am going to explain is square keep castle. The advantages of square keep castle are that they were made of stone, they could be made tall so they could see enemies far off, and they were strong and lasted a long time, and larger than a motte and bailey. The disadvantages are that it took longer time to build, and they could be surrounded and those inside starved out.

The third type of castle is shell keep castle. This kind of castle also has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that they were made of stone so it was strong, round so the defenders could see in all directions, and the round walls made it easier to organize a defense. The disadvantages of the shell keep castle is that it has a weak gateway so people could just attack, it took a long time to build, and the heavy stone on the top or the man-made motte which could collapse the castle easily.

The final type of castle is concentric castle. It was the best castle overall so it had more advantages than other castles. The advantages or concentric castle are it is biggest and strongest castle, easy to organize the defense as castle was symmetrical, it was larger castle so it could hold more men and foods, had high towers where defense can shoot fire down and it was a very expensive castle. The disadvantage of this castle is that it took a very long time to build it.

So overall, the castles changed in some ways in time, materials, etc. As the castle grew larger and stronger, it also took more time and need more materials. And inside of the castle, it is larger and higher and probably comfortable to see if their enemies are coming from far away.


Feudal System

Feudal System

MinJu 8C

  The feudal system is the way that King William lent the lands to people who helped him in the battle of hastings. He started using feudal system because England was too large for him to mange by himself, so he used a system of sharing out the land. He still onwned it, but he could lend large areas of land to people in return for their loyalty. Manor is where peasants pay their taxes, or a village, church, lord's house or castle, and the farmland upon which the people worked.. The peasants had requirements they had to fulfill in order to live there. This involved farming the lord's land and paying rents with food. They lived with animals in a house which is made of wattle (framework of sticks and twigs woven together), with daub (mud, animal dung, straw, polluted water) which made walls for the house.